27 Substitutes for Missing Ingredients that will make your life easier and your dishes will still be oh, so, tasty!
We’ve all been there – you’re in the middle of whipping up a delicious dish when you realize with a pit in your stomach that you’re fresh out of a key ingredient. Don’t panic and don’t head to the store just yet! With a little culinary MacGyver-ing, you can easily substitute common household items for many missing ingredients. Get ready to become the clever kitchen MacGrubber with these 27 brilliant hacks!
27 Clever Substitutions When You’re Missing an Ingredient
Whether you’ve run out of eggs for that cake batter or are missing the buttermilk for your famous pancakes, having to skip an ingredient can seem like a recipe for disaster. But fear not! According to professional chefs, simple swaps using items you likely already have on hand can save the day and your dish. Read on for genius substitutions that will keep your cooking game strong.

1. No Eggs? Time for a Veggie Sub!
Out of eggs for baking? Grab that trusty can of chickpeas! Blend 1/4 cup chickpea liquid (the stuff in the can) until fluffy and use in place of one egg.
2. Buttermilk’s Gone Missing? Check the Vinegar
No buttermilk for pancakes or dressings? No problem! Mix 1 cup milk with 1 tbsp vinegar or lemon juice and let sit for 5 minutes. The acidity does the trick.
3. All Out of Baking Powder? Cream of What?
Run out of baking powder? Grab some cream of tartar! Mix 1/4 tsp baking soda with 1/2 tsp cream of tartar for every 1 tsp baking powder needed.
4. Bye Bye Breadcrumbs, Hi Crushed Chips
Need breadcrumbs but struck out? Crush some potato chips or crackers instead for binding and crisping. Nacho chips make a deliciously seasoned coating too!
5. Forgot the Butter? Oh, Nuts!
If you’ve used up the last of the butter, nut butter like peanut or almond can work great as a substitute in many baked goods.

6. Did you miss the Milk? Behold, Almonds
Out of milk? Blend 1 cup of almonds with 3 cups of water and strain for a delicious, creamy milk alternative.
7. Bye Bye Broth, Hello Chicken Bouillon
If you’re out of chicken or veggie broth for soups and sauces, just dissolve a chicken or vegetable bouillon cube in hot water.
8. Tomato Paste MIA? Tomato Sauce to the Rescue
No tomato paste on hand? For every 1 tbsp needed, use 3 tbsp tomato sauce or puree instead and reduce other liquid.
9. Vanilla’s Vanished? Check the Booze!
Out of vanilla extract? Substitute 1 tsp of bourbon, brandy, or rum for every 1 tsp vanilla called for. This adds great depth of flavor too!
10. Where’s the Wine? Bust Out the Vinegar
If a recipe calls for red or white wine and you’re all out, swap in 1/4 cup vinegar plus 3/4 cup broth or juice to replace each cup of wine.
11. Ran Out of Ricotta? Cottage Cheese!
If you don’t have ricotta for lasagna or other dishes, substitute an equal amount of small curd cottage cheese blended until smooth.
12. Bye Bye Beef Broth, Hey Chicken
Run out of beef broth for a recipe? Chicken broth works great as a swap – the flavors are similar enough.
13. Missed the Molasses? Fake It with Sugar
If a recipe calls for molasses and you’re fresh out, use 1 cup of white or brown sugar plus 1/4 cup of water as a substitute.
More, 27 Substitutes for Missing Ingredients
We’ve all been there – you’re in the middle of whipping up a delicious dish
14. No Honey? Maple, it Is
Out of honey? Maple syrup makes a stellar substitute in most baking recipes or marinades – use the same amount called for.
15. Lost the Lemon Juice? Vinegar Saves the Day
If you need lemon juice but don’t have any lemons, use an equal amount of vinegar instead – it provides the same tart kick.

16. Corn Syrup Gone? Grab a Sweetener
No corn syrup to be found? Substitute 1 cup of sugar dissolved in 1/4 cup of warm water for every 1 cup of corn syrup needed.
17. All Out of Arrowroot? Try Cornstarch
If you’re missing arrowroot powder for thickening, use twice as much cornstarch as a substitute.
18. Where’s the Worcestershire? Make It with Pantry Items
Run out of Worcestershire sauce? Mix together 1 tbsp vinegar, 1 tsp sugar, 1 tsp mustard powder, and a pinch each of salt, garlic powder, and onion powder.
19. No Vegetable Oil? Pull Out the Olive
Don’t have vegetable oil? Substitute an equal amount of olive oil – it works great for baking and sautĂ©ing.
20. Missed the Fresh Herbs? Use Their Dried Cousins
Out of fresh herbs? For every tablespoon of fresh herbs called for, use 1 teaspoon of their dried counterpart instead.
21. No Sour Cream? Try Plain Greek Yogurt
If you’re out of sour cream, use an equal amount of plain, unsweetened Greek yogurt as a healthy substitute.
22. All Out of Rice Vinegar? Apple Cider Works!
Don’t have rice vinegar for dressings or marinades? Apple cider vinegar makes an appropriate stand-in.
23. No Red Wine Vinegar? Red Wine to the Rescue
If a recipe calls for red wine vinegar and you’re fresh out, mix 1 tbsp red wine with 2 tsp vinegar to substitute.
24. Where’s the Tahini? Hello Peanut Butter!
Do you need tahini but don’t have any on hand? Nutty peanut butter can be used as a substitute.

25. Ran Out of Shallots? Use Onions Instead
If your recipe calls for shallots and you’re all out, use an equal amount of diced yellow or white onion as a replacement.
26. No Parmesan Cheese? Try This Twist
Out of parmesan for sprinkling or grating? A mixture of shredded cheddar cheese plus a pinch of salt and pepper makes a tasty substitute.
27. Missing Fresh Garlic? Garlic Powder Saves the Day
When you’re all out of fresh garlic, substitute 1/8 teaspoon of garlic powder for every clove of garlic called for.
The Twist:
And there you have it – two dozen and more brilliant kitchen tricks to never let a missing ingredient ruin your culinary fun again! From swapping in nut butter for missing butter to using potato chips in place of breadcrumbs, we included some pretty wacky but totally effective substitutions in there to keep you on your toes. (Baking soda and vinegar for eggs? You’ll have to try it to believe it!) The next time your recipe calls for something you don’t have, get creative and see what awesome swap you can devise from the random things already in your pantry.
In Conclusion, 27 Substitutes for Missing Ingredients
With a little bit of ingenuity and an openness to unconventional solutions, your kitchen can become an endless playground for delicious feats of substitution sorcery. Who knows, you may even stumble upon an amazingly unique dish in the process! The moral of the story? Never let a missing ingredient stop you from cooking up a storm. Get swapping and start subbing – your taste buds will thank you.

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